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Welcome to your
Educational Journey

Where your classroom has no borders and learning knows no bounds

Welcome to your
Educational Journey

Where your classroom has no borders and learning knows no bounds

Imagine learning diplomacy by helping an indigenous tribe defend their land rights. Shooting and editing a video combining anthropological studies of traditional greetings from around the world with your first-hand observations. Or using data modeling techniques from your math class to synthesize information about sea urchins you collected while scuba diving.

At THINK Global School, you don’t just learn about the world – you learn in it. By studying in four countries a year you’re immersed in more history, geography, and culture in high school than most people experience in a lifetime. Your travels and education blend seamlessly, creating an active and engaged learning experience unprecedented in any other school.

Don’t teach me what to think.
Teach me how to think.

-THINK Global School mantra

What Sets THINK Global School Apart?

A THINK Global School education combines an academically rigorous project-based learning curriculum, a competitive 4:1 student/faculty ratio, student-driven and technology-forward teaching philosophies, and integrated service learning to create a 360º educational experience that’s never limited to the classroom. Here, you’ll not only become an exceptional college candidate but also a true game-changer: someone who understands how the world works and has the courage and compassion to make it a better place.

At THINK Global School, we’ve based our curriculum on the most effective educational models from around the world. We’re inspired by great pedagogical thinkers including Kurt Hahn, John Dewey, Sir Ken Robinson, Paulo Friere, Sugata Mitra, Reggio Emilia, John Holt, John Taylor Gotto, and Daniel Pink. Although they each bring different viewpoints to the table, their philosophies all boil down to the same idea: teach to individual students, giving them the tools and environments they need to succeed.

We believe in hiring the best teachers, giving them the freedom to design the most effective learning modules, and trusting students to guide their own education. The result? Students who don’t just excel academically, but enter the world with passion, curiosity, and a genuine love of learning.

An Education
for Change

What happens when you build your curriculum around students instead of the other way around? You get learners who are active, engaged, curious, and driven…and outperform their traditionally-educated peers on global academic performance exams regardless of socioeconomic factors.

It’s not enough for you to simply understand the world. We want to equip you with the tools to make a difference, as well as the drive to do so. Every aspect of your education is designed to help you make sense of the cultural, historical, environmental, and socio-economic influences of the world around you—and the incredible impact that you can have. Through deep interaction with diverse cultures you’ll start to go beyond observation and into participation, doing your small part to help make lives better worldwide.

In past terms, THINK Global School students have taught English to Chinese migrant students, established composting pits in India, and made documentaries chronicling rebuilding efforts in an earthquake-devastated region of Japan.

How will you make a difference?

Our Educators Don’t Just Change Minds. They Also Change Lives.

At THINK Global School, we select the finest teachers from around the world. Hailing from backgrounds as diverse as our travels, these enthusiastic educators and born innovators have just one thing in common: a passion for guiding learning in a way that puts students first. You’ll never find our teachers droning on at the front of a classroom. Instead they plan and oversee multidisciplinary projects, act as sounding boards for student-designed projects, moderate discussions, suggest readings, assist with media production, lead adventure tours, critique essays, comment on blog posts, and introduce you to new apps and software, all with the goal of making you a thoughtful, well-rounded citizen of the world.

With a competitive student to faculty ratio of just 4:1, you’ll receive ample personal attention and opportunities to grow. Our educators provide you with the framework of a rigorous project-based learning curriculum, but we encourage you to pursue your passion projects and take your learning into your own hands. This is your education, and only you know how to get the most out of it.

Where Do THINK Global School 
Students Learn?

Education is all around you. These are just some of the places you’ll go.

MakerspacesTraditional ClassroomsMuseums
Cultural centersScience labsLectures
National parksWilderness areasMarine habitats
Tribal villagesCity streetsMarketplaces
Temples and shrinesUniversitiesModel United Nations

Over the last two years alone, THINK Global School students have:

  • Explored global innovations at the Expo 2020 in Dubai
  • Constructed telescopes at a space camp in Izmir, Turkey
  • Spotted wildlife in Botswana’s Okavango Delta while flying aboard a prop plane
  • Toured Mumbai’s largest slum, Dharavi, to learn about entrepreneurship
  • Helped baby turtles reach the sea while studying conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Met with six different ethnic groups in Sabah, Malaysia, to learn about their unique cuisines 
  • Discussed mythology during a visit to the Temple of Poseidon in Greece

Each of the above excursions was critical in presenting students with context for one of their project modules, and all modules at THINK Global School provide students with daily opportunities to go out into the world and learn. The best part? No two days, let alone terms, are ever the same. 

It’s an education unlike any other, and only attainable at THINK Global School.  

Leading the
Technology Revolution

Students learn about drones during their 2023 term in South Korea

THINK Global School is proud to be recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022-26, paving the way in technology innovation, leadership, and educational excellence. Apple Distinguished Schools demonstrate the use of Apple hardware, apps, and content to promote creativity, collaboration, innovation, and critical thinking to transform learning and teaching.

Upon entering the school, you’ll receive two tools to help you reach your intellectual and creative goals: an iPhone and a MacBook Air. You’ll use them to communicate, conduct research, create and publish content, and track your projects through Headrush, our project-based learning software, developing an intuitive sense of how to select the right tools for each task and use technology to support your undertakings in academia and beyond. Student iPhones are also an integral safety asset in-country, utilizing software developed by a TGS alumnus in fact! We’re constantly evolving our software platforms to further enhance TGS’s use of technology.

Your arsenal of educational tools includes the most up-to-date apps, software, online courses, and digital libraries. Even mainstays such as parent/teacher conferences get a contemporary update with video conferencing tools. Instead of lugging around textbooks, you’ll access assigned texts through a custom online portal, and read them on your tech devices or community shared iPads, in addition to writing traditional essays and research papers you’ll also shoot and edit videos, record podcasts, and build multimedia digital collages. Our cohorts have a handful of GoPros and DLSR cameras students can borrow for projects.

Through our sophisticated technology program you’ll learn not only how to use today’s digital toolkit to express yourself and create meaningful global dialogue, but also how to adapt to a world of technology that’s changing as quickly as you are.

Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

It all starts here.

Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

It all starts here.

Apply now

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