A parallel can be found in education: rather than start off with a "must see" (or rather, "must learn") list, I asked them: what would you like to do in creative arts? Answers ranged from visual arts and theater to creative writing, but the most enthusiasm was shown for music! In collaboration with the director at a nearby professional recording studio, we put together a unit introducing the students to...
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TGS Creative Arts Teacher Sherry Zhang shared the poem, "Life Just Isn't," and asked the students to write a mirror piece, "Art Just Isn't," to give them the opportunity to think, reflect, and (re)define to what art is and isn't to them. Below is the poem that inspired the students' words, followed by the original lyrics each student composed. Note: the students have selected nicknames for themselves for security and...
Read MoreAs Hans Rosling came to the end of his speech, all 15 of us just sat there. In an awed trance, as a glaze of silence settled around us. A few seconds later, we become clear-headed enough to remember that we were to meet Hans Rosling backstage. And then a bubble of chatter stats again. We're all eager to meet him. Everyone was preparing their questions and trying to pass...
Read MoreAfter Hans Rosling's lecture to TGS students and guests, TGS Teacher Marta Guevara wrote some of her reflections on the evening. Yes, Hans Rosling is funny. But he talks about serious topics; I wondered how a group of young teenagers would respond to a view of the world presented via graphs and numbers. Would they get it? Would it be too distracting for them? Would they lose their concentration after...
Read MoreI have no idea why, but the other day, I wanted to know how fast a cannonball travels. "To calculate the speed of a cannonball," it said, "we need to know how far it has gone and how long it took to get there." The first two weeks at TGS have been either the cannonball or the cannon. I'm not yet sure which one - but I know that our...
Read MoreWe’re Not In School Yet? A group of teachers and students sat in my room as we discussed a number of "girl" topics. As our conversation started to expand to a more general discussion, one of our students remarked, “my friends are home have been asking me if we have started school yet, but I keep telling them we even haven’t SEEN the school.” I waited for a moment and...
Read MoreGreetings TGS, Long time reader, first time blogger here. Some of you may have noticed that I can be a little patriotic... My friends in Abu Dhabi used to joke that New Zealand has "small country" syndrome because it is always determined to be the best. I think like the Canadians, we are determined not to be seen as the same as our more populated neighbours. With that in mind...
Read MoreYes, we haven’t met face to face. However, I wouldn’t be sitting here in Sweden full of expectations, excitement, and happiness waiting to meet you if it wasn’t for an inspiration of love. Yes, TGS will succeed. What comes from pure love, has to be successful. I can’t think of a more pure form of love than that of a mother towards her child. Alex, this is a gift for...
Read MoreBy Brad Ovenell-Carter, Assistant Head of School At THINK Global School we learn not about the world; we learn in the world. And part of that world is digital. I say “part of” because making the usual distinction between the so-called real and virtual worlds is misleading. It misleads us to thinking that the two are somehow different and that in turn leads us to acting differently ourselves and to...
Read MoreTGS has two Interns or "Residential Dons" who will travel along with TGS students and faculty during the school year. But you may be wondering: what do TGS Interns do exactly? Both of our interns bring unique cultural and international perspectives to the TGS community. In short, an Intern is part residential adviser, part peer mentor, part counselor, part activity coordinator, and part “whatever may come up on a given...
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