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Coffee Makes the World Go ‘Round

One of my happiest reflections since we launched THINK Global School, is that both great schools and great ideas are fuelled by great coffee.

I have been a fan of amazing coffee (and have stayed away from bad coffee) for as long as I can remember. I’m actually 6’9″. It’s only a thirty year love affair with coffee that has stunted my growth to a modest 5’10” and ended my NBA career before it began 🙂 (on that side note, I love to read about coffee myths – send me some!)

I take my coffee as I believe it should be taken: black. Seriously, if it’s great coffee, why disguise it? It’s not that I don’t think that coffee drinks are tasty – I like a soy latte very much (when it’s not made with sweetened, flavoured soymilk) and I can totally appreciate how someone would think that a massive frappucino would satisfy their sweet tooth. But that’s not coffee. Coffee is dark and strong and perfect.

And one of the most fun things of being a world traveller is not only finding the great coffee spots in each city, but also striking up conversations with locals to see what they do.

So, we at TGS are going to make a concerted effort from now on to reach out to educators and innovators from around the world as we travel and invite them for coffee!

In fact, consider this blog post your standing invitation.

You can always find out where we are by taking a quick look at the THINK Global School dopplr site at

So, who’s joining me for coffee in Amsterdam later this week?

– Aron

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Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

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