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Science lessons with Dan at Iguazú Falls

Regardless of which continent you are on, one surefire destination guaranteed to attracts throngs of backpacked travelers, curious locals and members of the scientific community are the thundering waterfalls that checker many countries. Even remote Antarctica is home to the five-story Blood Falls, a waterfall that eerily resembles the scene of a very grisly (and large) murder scene due to the water’s high salinity and rich iron content.


Image credit: Peter Rejcek/Antarctic Photo Library


While Blood Falls’ flow can be described as more of a trickle, Argentina’s Iguazú Falls enthralls visitors through its sheer volume. Comprised of anywhere between 150 and 300 falls depending on the water level, Iguazú Falls is capable of filling 65 Olympic-sized swimming pools every second. All of this water nurtures a vibrant jungle ecosystem, which includes over 2,000 species of fauna, 448 species of birds and more than 80 mammals.


The “Devil’s Throat” section of Iguazu Falls. Image Credit: ResLIFE Director Sarah Jones.


These living organisms and grand views provided the backdrop for THINK Global School’s visit to Iguazú Falls this term. Prior to the visit, Daniel Garvey’s 9th and 10th grade science classes had been learning about nutrient cycles, and specifically how nutrients are able to flow back and forth through an ecosystem. Visiting Iguazú provided the perfect experiential component to the lesson, as the students were able to journey under the falls in a large rubber boat and ascend to the top by foot.

Media Specialist Lindsay Clark was able to capture the following amazing footage during the trip, including Daniel providing a comprehensive breakdown of Iguazú’s spectacular water cycle:

Do you have a natural wonder that you would recommend to travelers? Let us know in the comments below!

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