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ChatGPT: The Future, or Playing with Fire?

Chat GPT poses new challenges and opportunities for educators

Well, it’s happening. New York Public schools were first out of the gates by banning artificial intelligence in education, in the form of ChatGPT; sadly predictable, but we are where we are.

It’s with mild curiosity that on reflection of almost every educationally driven conference I’ve attended in recent years, educationalists have argued for, against, and warned of the looming dangers and possibilities of artificial intelligence. Whether for or against, there was an acceptance that it was arriving. Artificial Intelligence, as defined by Aghion, Jones and Jones (2017), as the “intelligence exhibited by machines” along with robotics, and augmented and virtual reality, have seemed imminent to most and now turned into existence by the launch of ChatGPT. However, many educators seem stunned by the emergence of a tool they have been expecting and keynoting about.

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