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Alumni Spotlight: Gijs de Jong

Since departing from his fellow classmates at the hotel in Tanzania, Gijs has been attending the University of Cumbria in the Lake District, United Kingdom. He is studying outdoor education and his degree requires him to gain work experience which has included coaching basketball at a summer camp, working for a company who is piloting an experiential learning program for Vietnam’s national education system, and helping out at a primary school. Gijs really enjoyed his time working with children and hopes to continue this after he graduates. On top of all this work, Gijs still finds time to stay active and recently ran his first half marathon!


Gijs used the money he earned at his various job to, of course, travel. He visited Yuan yuan in Singapore and met up with David and Liam in Vietnam. He also has plans to travel to Scotland and Romania in the near future: “A group of us (classmates) are going to Romania. One of our lectures is about self led expeditions and understanding slow and ethical expeditions and making an expedition worthwhile. I had a lot of discussions with my lecturer and group members about flying (by plane) and whether or not travel by plane is ethical and/or slow. A thought-provoking question I leave for you: How can we ethically justify flying? This question came from my friend who asked why we should travel to a country to experience the country and to get and understanding of what it is like (i.e. poverty level, education level, etc.) if we can just donate money with the click of a button?” Something to think about!

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