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Alumni Spotlight: Liisa Toomus

Liisa and Bree

Liisa and Bree

Liisa is wrapping up her first year in the English midlands at the University of Nottingham where she is pursuing a MSci degree in International Relations & Global Issues. By the end of her four years she will receive both her undergraduate and masters degrees in one go.  In addition to staying busy with school work Liisa contributes to World Student Magazine.  We asked her about her involvement with the quarterly and this is what she had to say:

“It’s true! I now run my own magazine column called, “Numinous Travels”, in World Student magazine . I just sort of fell into it, seeing as I wrote a few pieces about my travels and growing up from being a third culture kid to being an adult for the Huffington Post while I was still at TGS. As it sometimes happens, the right person, at the right time, happened to read one of my articles and then contacted me about running my own column.  For some reason I was really hesitant at first, but I am loving it now and could not imagine having said no to the chance of sharing my experiences and thoughts of the world with such a mature group of international students”!

You can find links to Liisa’s work for World Student Magazine at  

What is up next for Liisa?  Next year she will be doing a year abroad in Istanbul, Turkey.  Liisa says she has always wanted to go to Istanbul and has had “several planned trips cancelled during the very last minute due to the sometimes turmoil state of the city.”  We will keep our fingers crossed that doesn’t happen this time.  We can’t wait to hear about Istanbul!

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