It’s been two months since we arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, and our students have now had time to move beyond simply being visitors in a new land to rightfully categorizing themselves as full-fledged locals. Their opinions have been carefully formulated through trial and error as to who has the best coffee when its time to hit the books and which record store to hit up for the best...
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Question: Have you recently fallen out of touch with someone you were once very close with? As time goes by and our social circles grow, it seems like an unfortunate inevitability. But that doesn’t mean it has to be permanent. During our recent weeklong weXplore trip to the Bay of Plenty, New Media Lab teacher Lindsay Clark decided to rekindle a lost connection for each of her accompanying students by...
Read MoreTEDxTeen sketchnote by Brad Ovenell-Carter The conversationalist. The model. The climber. The writer. The environmentalist. The programmer. The retail entrepreneur. The managing director. The violinist. The bionic boy. The bully beater. At first glance these labels might seem like an odd grouping: Where would they have met? What would their conversations revolve around? These questions have simple answers, but ones that are very telling: Each of the...
Read MoreKia Ora, everyone! Our fifth year is officially underway, and judging by our students' reaction so far, it’s poised to be a stellar one. Where as last year we began the school year in one of the most densely populated countries in the world (India), this year our adventure begins in a land where sheep and cattle both far outnumber the inhabitants: Yep, that's right, we're in New Zealand!...
Read MoreAs a traveling high school, we find ourselves completely at the will of time. Trans-Atlantic flights across multiple time zones cause the days to blend together, and the anticipation of a new destination can all but make the hands on a clock stop. Yet I don’t think any of us at THINK Global School were prepared for how quickly our first graduation ceremony snuck up on us. A first year...
Read MoreRecent THINK Global School graduate Yada Pruksachatkun can add another feat to her growing list of accomplishments: as of June 10th, she can now refer to herself as a published author. That's because Yada is one is of a handful of boarding school students to have a chapter published in Justin Muchnick's new book, The Boarding School Survival Guide. In the book, Muchnick (a boarding student himself), Yada...
Read MoreSharing and reflecting on our cultural and creative experiences is a core part of the TGS experience, and like all pursuits, this is something that typically gets better with practice. To facilitate their reflections, all students at THINK Global School are enrolled in NewMedia Lab beginning in grade 9. Beyond simply teaching our students how to visually and sonically reflect, NewMedia Lab provides a forum for them to process their...
Read MoreKonnichiwa! As I write this our 9th-11th grade students are currently in the midst of a weXplore trip that should prove to be the highlight in a long list of place-based learning experiences that we've engaged in since arriving in Japan. Each term at THINK Global School usually involves one big weXplore trip to go alongside a series of smaller ones: our term in Germany included an "Amazing Race" across...
Read MoreThis past weekend a handful of our students flew to Seoul, South Korea, to participate in the 2014 Yale Model United Nations (MUN). The MUN experience has proven extremely popular with our students, as it provides them with an opportunity to join a global-minded committee for a few days and debate real-world issues alongside students from other high schools around the world. Previous school year's MUNs have included the...
Read MoreDo you remember where you grew up? Was it a quiet little town with one church that everybody would visit? Or maybe you are from a bustling metropolis with so many houses of worship that you wouldn't know where to begin. A visit last year from author Steve Kluger set our students on the path of documenting their own childhoods. That project, titled "Where I Grew Up," is now...
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