1) Hi Mehdia, can you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi, I'm a space enthusiast, and to be honest, I think that's my entire personality. I'm a TGS-er and the founder of Afghan Youth Empowerment Camps. I was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan, and left my country for the first time in 2021 to attend THINK Global School in Botswana. The idea of freedom of choice in education...
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Hi Elliot, can you tell us what you've been up to since graduation? Our academic years start in February, so after graduating, I lived with my family for eight months, working fast food full-time and organizing a final iteration of the Traveling Shorts Film Festival (a yearly film festival held at TGS), as I wasn't quite ready to let that go as a TGS institution. Then in 2019, I started...
Read MoreAt THINK Global School, the world is our classroom, and four times a year, our students board a plane to learn through hands-on experiences, practice global citizenship, and participate in a wide range of academic projects. For their third term of the 2022-23 school year, our 30 CM2 students traveled to Seoul, South Korea. Immediately they were met with a captivating blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge modernity, with centuries-old...
Read MoreRe-imagining education is not enough; as I’ve said previously, it’s time to get specific. Integrating the concept of “longtermism” into curriculum mapping and design is one way to achieve this goal. Longtermism in education is a philosophy that emphasizes preparing students for the long-term consequences of their actions rather than solely focusing on short-term outcomes and test scores. The rapidly changing world requires a different type of education that equips...
Read MoreThe field of education is constantly evolving, and educators need to stay abreast of the latest innovations and ideas. That is why the TLS/ForesightLab, in partnership with ATÖLYE, was proud to host the “School on Mars” event last week. This exciting workshop was designed for K-12 learning designers and educators in the UAE who are eager to explore the future of education and imagine new possibilities. The event’s goal was...
Read MoreEducation 3.0 – The need to re-imagine not just education, but vocational education
Another Sunday, and another article, conference, or workshop on re-imagining education. It’s not just tiresome, but I’m coming around to the idea that it could be hurtful rather than helpful. What part of education exactly do conference facilitators mean? The term is now widely used, yet often fails to be specific in its direction or focus; who is accountable during this process? How inclusive is it? What evidence is being...
Read MoreAs part of THINK Learning Studio’s ongoing work to help educators foster creative learning mindsets in all learners — and themselves, too — we are excited to announce the launch of the TLS Foresight Lab. Why? Simply put, while we know that preparing learners for the ‘future’ guides every educator’s practice… …but rarely are educators provided relevant ‘futures thinking’ and ‘forecasting’ resources and experiences to help them do this. And even more...
Read MoreIs traditional education failing our students? This is a question that I will be discussing at the Capital Club Dubai on January 30th, where I will be sharing my insights on how project-based learning (PBL) can help prepare students for the future economy and work. As an advocate of PBL, as many of you already know, I firmly believe that this innovative approach to education is better suited to the...
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