The following editorial was written by ResLife Advisor Monique Lefebvre upon her return from THINK Global School's visit to Iguazú National Park. Additional reflections on the state of Iguazú National Park by the students and faculty of TGS, can be found in our video, "Should we be at Iguazú Falls?" Iguazú National Park, straddling the borders between Brazil and Argentina, is an awe-inspiring location centered around Iguazú Falls, one of...
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While enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be creative during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. Beneath is a collage created by 9th grade student Liisa T. for her teacher, Lee ann Thomas, and her art class. Through her collage, Liisa addresses the inundation of information we as a digital society now face,...
Read MoreWhile enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be introspective during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. Below you will find a project created by 9th grade student Tiana S. for her teacher, Lee Ann Thomas, and her art class, where she provides a step-by-step walkthrough regarding the creative process she utilized during the...
Read MoreWhile enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be introspective during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. Below you can find an essay written by 10th grader Alejandro R., in which he questions whether countries, like humans, have the ability to exhibit true freedom of thought, or if they are instead consigned to emulate...
Read MoreStudents at THINK Global School will have the opportunity to hear and interact with two very prominent public figures this week as Sunil Gulati and Noam Chomsky are both scheduled to appear as guest speakers. Sunil Gulati, a senior lecturer at Columbia University, will provide students with an introductory look into the social science known as economics. Drawing upon his previous experience at the World Bank and his work as...
Read MoreCLOSE TO TWO WEEKS has now passed since our students, faculty and requisite luggage found their way onto a Boston-bound train to head back home following our six day trip to Washington, D.C. As this time has elapsed, many of those who attended have taken to Spot to share their thoughts and reflections on their visit, (quite a few of which you can also find on our blog.) A common...
Read MoreThe following reflection by Garrett Austen is part of a series of blog posts written by THINK Global School faculty members to showcase their thoughts and experiences from a recent weXplore trip to Washington, D.C. To view the entire conversation, visit us on Spot. As I stared up at a wall displaying hundreds of journalists' faces at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., I wistfully wondered to myself. This...
Read MoreWhile enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be introspective during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. In the following critique written after attending a conservation lecture at Harvard University, 11th grade student Maya M. provides her thoughts on the excess of food waste in developed countries, and provides her take on what we...
Read MoreThe following reflection by Lin Cheng is part of a series of blog posts written by THINK Global School faculty members to showcase their thoughts and experiences from a recent weXplore trip to Washington, D.C. Lin's blog was written in his native Mandarin language, with the English translation following after. To view the entire conversation, visit us on Spot. Original Reflection in Mandarin: 为期一周的华盛顿游学活动结束了。坐在回波士顿的列车上,大家慢慢都睡着了。虽然在这一周内,我么走了很多路,起早贪黑。但是回想起来,我们在这一周内所看到的,听到的,学到的知识是那么的丰富,多样。而这些经历是无法从课本上学到的。包括自由新闻博物馆,二战集中营纪念馆,自然博物馆,艾未未艺术展,白宫,华盛顿纪念馆,总统大楼等等景点都给我们留下了深刻的印象。 当然,除了参观各种景点,我们也有幸和当地一些政府官员和学者们有所交流。学生们积极参与了讨论并提出了很多有深度的问题。我相信通过这些互动,学生们都为他们的研究课题找到了一些新的观点和证据。作为老师,我也从中收获不少。其中最让我记忆深刻的是和格雷格先生关于教育话题的讨论。在TGS,我们鼓励学生独立思考,而不是硬性地接纳知识。格雷格先生提到在教育中学生的创新能力和自主观点非常容易被教师的观点所影响。虽然我在教学中已经极力避开自己的观点影响学生,但是发现很多时候在不注意的情况下已经悄悄影响了学生的判断力。格雷格先生和我在这个问题上看法一致,觉得应该尽量为学生提出思考问题而不是简单的告诉他们什么是什么。因为学生在通过思考和检索的过程中,在筛选论证的过程中,他们会产生自己的看法和观点。而这正是一名国际化优秀学生所需要的能力。希望将来在教学中能够注意拓展学生思维,培养不同观点。 总之,在这一周的收获很多。希望不久后纽约之旅将会有更加丰富精彩的学习经历。 Translation: The weeklong Washington...
Read MoreThe following reflection by Dan Garvey is part of a series of blog posts written by THINK Global School faculty members to showcase their thoughts and experiences from a recent weXplore trip to Washington D.C. To view the entire conversation, visit us on Spot. DC was a trip with a multitude of learning experiences. Political discussions, worldly viewpoints, historical monuments, and student-led city navigation. I am assuming that most will...
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