WHEN STROLLING THROUGH the trendy Buenos Aires Puerto Madero neighborhood, instances of modernity abound. Finely-tuned European cars sit in front of lavish glass condos, status symbols for the affluent Argentines lucky enough to afford them. Such items are not the norm in Argentina, however, and the government in particular has struggled with the complexities associated with the modern era. Poor leadership, corruption, and economic instability are all issues that have...
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PROPAGANDA IS A CRUCIAL part of my IB Theory of Knowledge course this spring. My 11th grade students need to engage in the two terms 'persuasion' and 'propaganda,' evaluating at what point does the first term, become the second. So far, we have explored the risks associated with producing propaganda throughout history and the causes these pieces either supported or rejected. It was decided when focusing on the pieces that...
Read MoreOur two week intersession came and went, but one thing is for certain: the students and staff members that had the privilege to visit this tiny picturesque kingdom rank the experience as one of the most unique and absorbing of their lives. Bhutan, which is the birthplace and home to three of our students, allowed us a rare glimpse into a country that vigorously fights to remain unspoiled. This preservation...
Read MoreAfter visiting the Boston Public Library, English teacher Garrett Austen posed his students with the following question regarding Ray Bradbury's dystopian classic Farenheit 451: Is the dystopia that Bradbury warns us of in his novel and is the coda to his novel, whether imposed by force or lack of interest, a real threat in the United States and the First Amendment? Use evidence from Bradbury, the First Amendment and the...
Read MoreThe spring of 2013 marks THINK Global School's first North American term and we're ecstatic to be doing so in the colonial city of Boston. Founded in 1630, Boston is one of North America's most well-known cities due to its natural beauty and strong ties to academia. As our students get settled in, here are seven interesting facts about Massachusetts' capital city: Fact #1: Boston is home to America's first...
Read MoreExactly a week has gone by since the end to our incredible journey through Bhutan. I hope those of you who were there have continued to reflect and have begun to share your experiences with family and friends. The trip sits at the top of my list of amazing experiences abroad. I returned inspired and intrigued and even more passionate about traveling and experiencing other cultures. Since our trip, I've...
Read MoreIt’s easy to mine the land and fish the seas and get rich. . .Yet we believe you cannot have a prosperous nation in the long run that does not conserve its natural environment or take care of the well-being of its people, which is being borne out by what is happening to the outside world. -Thakur Singh Powdyel, Bhutan’s minister of education The 2012-13 school year represents a sea...
Read MoreIN AN EFFORT TO deeply understand our host country, I chose to teach a unit on cultural identity to both the 9th and 10th grade classes. In Global Studies class, students studied Argentine identity through the lenses of Tango, futbol, and the iconic gaucho. Throughout each of these three lenses, the students gained an appreciation of Argentine passion, individuality, machismo. Field trips were selected and organized by Yosefa Gilon, Logistics...
Read MoreTHIS PAST FRIDAY, we went on an amazing, artistic adventure to expand our knowledge of Street Art right here in Argentina. This form of art is everywhere in Buenos Aires -- on the sides of buildings, the sidewalks, and just about anywhere else you can think of. Street Art became popular in Argentina in the 1950s and the 1960s, but it took a hit in the 1970s and 1980s due...
Read MoreBy making a few searches for Colonia Del Sacramento, Uruguay in Google, we’re able to see blog posts and articles from people who declare Colonia as the heaven of old cars. Some even suggest that they have more antique cars than Cuba. The big question is if it’s true or not, but I, along with anyone who has ever set foot in Colonia, can assure you of the fact that...
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