"The children are our future." A'ntonia said, her eyes staring off, distant. "If we don't start educating and preparing our children, whether they're black, white, or yellow, we would only be ruining our future." In many places, like Israel and North Korea, children are stripped of their rights. These include the right to play and the freedom of expression. One of those deprived children might be the one with the...
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Stemming from two of the school's core values (thoughtfulness and synergy), students are encouraged through the TGS newMedia Lab to share and reflect their experiences with the world. In this video, grade 10 student Charis from Thailand documents her time in Bavaria, complete with endearing webcam commentary.
Read MoreGrade 9 student Isaac continues to explore new techniques in graphic design to illustrate his experiences with TGS. Using one of his photographs and text written at the summit, he designed this graphic image to commemorate a reflective moment atop Mt. Wank in Bavaria, Germany. See more of Isaac's graphic designs on his blog.
Read MoreCREATIVE ARTS TEACHER Cécile B Evans explains Art By Telephone, a recent activity students participated in with artists and audience members across the globe. In one afternoon, TGSers became creators of global art along with Timur Si-Qin, Lindsay Lawson, and Lucky PDF. The event was live streamed in Australia at an arts festival with onlookers taking part in the constructive dialogue. Within minutes of completion of an art piece, a...
Read MoreBY THE TIME THE SOVIETS arrived in Berlin in 1945, much of it had been bombed by the Allies. The Soviets appropriated the telephone exchanges, streetcars, and anything else that was useful in Moscow, leaving the city a skeleton. Once the city was divided, the architects began the rebuilding process and were eager to create buildings that would leave a legacy. What was once known as Stalin Allee is...
Read MoreWHILE ENROLLED at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be introspective during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. Grade 10 student Jawed filmed the following video during a weXplore excursion to Mount Wank in Bavaria, Germany. Jawed uses the imagery surrounding him to create a compelling case for self-reflection. Whether you are sitting at home...
Read MoreSome schools offer trips abroad, even semesters abroad. Think Global School students live abroad. Joann McPike explains the concept and workings of the school she founded. Joann McPike, the founder of THINK Global School, graciously answered some questions which I posed about the school…
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GLOBAL STUDIES TEACHER Andrew McLean and World Literature teacher Irene Krugman coordinated a visit to the Wannsee Haus where the conference for the Final Solution took place. At the Wannsee conference, Hitler's top officers developed the document that led to the death of millions of Jews.
Read MoreAPPLYING TO COLLEGE is a difficult process, and it’s often impossible to understand what goes on inside the minds of admissions officers. Story to College—an organization whose mission is to aid students’ writing of college essays through the creative process of storytelling—visited us last weekend to help our students find unique stories that will guide them through the college process and beyond. TGS students already wrote personal memoirs in Thailand,...
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