THE ELEPHANT NATURE PARK (ENP) is responsible for the care of 36 elephants: 32 females and 4 males. Every elephant that lives at the park has been rescued from a dire situation. These elephants are often taken away from their mothers at too young of an age and 'broken' during a brutal ritual known as Phajaan. These rituals last anywhere from three to seven days, depending on the willpower of...
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TGS SPENT A WEEKEND up in the mountains of rural northern Thailand, assisting a hill tribe village in creating a space for their young children attending school. We were tasked with 3 projects on the school property during our 2.5 day stay. Project #1: Fish Pond/Cement Slab Students worked together to dig a large enough hole to create a fish pond that will help to promote sustainability within the community,...
Read MoreMaya, a class of 2015 student from Sweden, reflects on a recent weXplore opportunity to visit the Palong hill tribe in Chiang Dao, Thailand. THE FIRST THING WE SAW of the community was a bridge. A home-built, rough bridge made of thick trunks and tree planks. It was one of those bridges you don’t really know what to expect from, but as you walk on it is surprisingly stable. I...
Read MoreONE OF THE MANY POSITIVES that arise from spending time in a new country is the relationship that our students and faculty develop at the host school. While in Cuenca, we had the chance to bond with the Colegio Aleman Stiehle Cuenca community. We were delighted to recently receive the following email from Agi Orosz, a CASC staff member, reinforcing the belief that the benefits of pairing with a host...
Read MoreClass of 2014 student Yada P. reports on a lecture event with Tony Wagner, a renowned educator focused on transforming education for the 21st century. Yada describes his visiting presence at THINK Global School in Thailand and points from the presentation, found below for viewing and download. WE HAD SEEN HIM in the back of the class, walking around, watching us. With a shock of peppered white hair and a...
Read MoreIt might be difficult for others to really gauge what it’s like to be 'on the ground' with THINK Global School. Through these interviews with the traveling members of faculty and staff, it becomes evident what has drawn this unique group of people together at the world's only global, mobile high school. These 12 individuals, representing 6 countries, speak about what the blend of travel and education means...
Read MoreGrade 9 student Isaac F. spent his winter break transforming his photographic content from Ecuador into powerful graphics with a voice and a mission. This initiative is not uncharacteristic of this young man who created a t-shirt design company at the age of 11. Here are excerpts and images from his blog, Inner Monologues. Although I’ve had a great life so far, I felt like a part of me is...
Read MoreBEFORE THE START OF CLASSES in Chiang Mai, the students got an introduction to the language, customs, culture, arts, and food of Thailand. This term's host school - Traidhos Three Generations - conducted classes on Thai conversational basics and customs, to enable the students with a better awareness of their new surrounding culture. They teamed up into groups to role play do's and don'ts around town, including appropriate clothing in...
Read MoreAs an end-of-term trip, TGS went to give something back to the country that had given us so much. High up in the highlands of Ecuador, in a tiny province named Chimborazo, a Canadian charity NGO has set itself a goal. Its main goal is to free children from oppression. In the West, that means empowering children to take on the responsibility to change the world. However, in developing countries...
Read MoreFrom 14 different countries they came, an army of curious teenage minds unleashed in a place only 700 people visit each year. 24 sets of student legs walked alongside spiders, monkeys, and birds in their rubber boots. They squelched their way into a world of knowledge, into a new way of thinking and into a new passion for nature. This is the tale of what happened when THINK Global School...
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