Hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge Willem takes a moment at the end of the two-day Tiger Leaping Gorge trek to reflect on his perspective of China. The students at THINK Global School spent their third term in the worldly, cosmopolitan city of Beijing, but they've also had the great fortune of seeing other sides of this massive and diverse country. Travel changes perspectives. Travel educates.
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Wrists4Rights is THINK Global School's student-led children's rights initiative. While in Sydney, Australia, TGS students met with human rights activist Rob Wetton through his organization: I'm Colourblind. Rob informed students on the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child and worked with students to create their own initiative to share knowledge about these rights. As TGS students collaborate with students in host cities, we have spent time discussing...
Read MoreChinese-Tibetan Culture While visiting the city of Shangri-La (formerly known as Zhongdian), the ninth grade students took some Tibetan language and painting lessons at the Thangka Academy. Taught by monks and scholars, they got the great chance to absorb a lesser-known culture first-hand.
Read MoreShaping Market En route to Lijiang, China, the students at THINK Global school experienced a morning market in Shaping. Snapping photos, speaking in Mandarin, trying new foods - everyone took their own approach to this outdoor, cultural classroom.
Read More-g The Symbol of Fu The final weXplore experience in China took the TGS family to the Yunnan province where we learned about good luck - or fu - at this mountaintop temple in Dali. Our guide, Zhang Jiong, explains why people spin three times in front of the fu symbol, and the students attempt to bring good luck to themselves and their families.
Read MoreI HAVE TO DISAGREE. I have changed the world with 15 kids, and it's a better world because of it. I sit in an airport in Shangri-La, on the Chinese-Tibetan border. I have 15 exhausted young adults in front of me; they are no longer kids. We spent the last week in southern China. It was important that they experience not only the bustle of Beijing but also the beauty...
Read MoreIT ALL STARTED when I wanted to leave Germany for a year, to see how it is to be away from family and because I wanted to improve my English. I wasn't sure where I should go, perhaps to the USA or the UK. While looking for the place that was right for me, I happened to find the perfect school. It would go to three different countries a year. The school...
Read MoreASHLEY SILVER AND JAMES FLETCHER were my first contacts with TGS, and I was immediately struck by how they both balanced a high degree of professionalism with being very relaxed and easy going. From the moment I sat down, I didn’t feel the usual scrutiny and pressure of a job interview. I felt like these people were genuinely interested in who we were, the expats in China, and what we...
Read MoreHERE WE ARE at the end of our first year! I remember the intense curiosity I once felt wondering what it would feel like to write that line. As the term wraps up, we can look back at so many wonderful explorations and experiences and say we lived deeply and learned much. We know a thing or two now about moving about the world; about buying our daily bread, whether...
Read MoreJourney to the Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an The ninth grade students of THINK Global School travel by bus, train, and foot to the famous Terracotta Warriors of Xi'an. Get the unique experience of hearing their expectations prior to visiting, followed by how those compare to their first-hand impressions. Throughout the entire journey, they enjoy themselves in this outdoor, remote classroom and create lasting connections to Chinese history.
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