Our two week intersession came and went, but one thing is for certain: the students and staff members that had the privilege to visit this tiny picturesque kingdom rank the experience as one of the most unique and absorbing of their lives. Bhutan, which is the birthplace and home to three of our students, allowed us a rare glimpse into a country that vigorously fights to remain unspoiled. This preservation...
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The spring of 2013 marks THINK Global School's first North American term and we're ecstatic to be doing so in the colonial city of Boston. Founded in 1630, Boston is one of North America's most well-known cities due to its natural beauty and strong ties to academia. As our students get settled in, here are seven interesting facts about Massachusetts' capital city: Fact #1: Boston is home to America's first...
Read MoreExactly a week has gone by since the end to our incredible journey through Bhutan. I hope those of you who were there have continued to reflect and have begun to share your experiences with family and friends. The trip sits at the top of my list of amazing experiences abroad. I returned inspired and intrigued and even more passionate about traveling and experiencing other cultures. Since our trip, I've...
Read MoreIt’s easy to mine the land and fish the seas and get rich. . .Yet we believe you cannot have a prosperous nation in the long run that does not conserve its natural environment or take care of the well-being of its people, which is being borne out by what is happening to the outside world. -Thakur Singh Powdyel, Bhutan’s minister of education The 2012-13 school year represents a sea...
Read MoreIN AN EFFORT TO deeply understand our host country, I chose to teach a unit on cultural identity to both the 9th and 10th grade classes. In Global Studies class, students studied Argentine identity through the lenses of Tango, futbol, and the iconic gaucho. Throughout each of these three lenses, the students gained an appreciation of Argentine passion, individuality, machismo. Field trips were selected and organized by Yosefa Gilon, Logistics...
Read MoreRegardless of which continent you are on, one surefire destination guaranteed to attracts throngs of backpacked travelers, curious locals and members of the scientific community are the thundering waterfalls that checker many countries. Even remote Antarctica is home to the five-story Blood Falls, a waterfall that eerily resembles the scene of a very grisly (and large) murder scene due to the water's high salinity and rich iron content. ...
Read MoreThis semester in grade 9 and 10 mathematics we have focused on understanding the properties and graphs of certain types of functions including linear and quadratic functions. In our unit on quadratic functions, students were taught various methods of both graphing and solving these functions and were introduced to situations where quadratic functions could be used for modeling purposes. The culmination of this unit on quadratics allowed for our students...
Read MoreIN ENGLISH CLASS, we were able to further our study of how best to memorialize the past by comparing a literature classic, Homer’s The Odyssey, with Argentina’s cultural epic poem, Martin Fierro. The style of a cultural epic memorializes the past by capturing a snapshot of a culture’s habits and beliefs from a certain point in time. The Odyssey captured the values and norms of Greek culture. We were able...
Read MoreSPRINGTIME IN ARGENTINA proves the saying that "birds fly south for the winter." This time of year not only sees warmer temperatures and afternoon showers refilling countryside waterholes, but also the return of hundreds of various avian species from across the Americas. It is prime time for local bird fanatics to get outside and seek out these magnificent species. Luckily for TGS, we have made an excellent friend, David Thompson....
Read MoreTHE RECENTLY HELD GLOBAL EDUCATION CONFERENCE (GEC) provided an excellent opportunity for our student body to show their passion for causes, and to actively engage with other proactive individuals around the world. The GEC marked the start of the student-led initiative the World Wide Think Tank, which provided TGS students Paul, Hannah and Yada with a worldwide audience as they detailed their plans to bring around real and meaningful change....
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