With each successive school year our student base grows, adding a crop of fresh faces to complement those returning to further their studies. The 2012-13 school year has seen 13 new students who choose to call TGS their home, bringing our student body up to 36 as we make our way through Buenos Aires, Bhutan, and finally one of the oldest cities in North America, Boston. Providing a quality IB...
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OUR GRADE 9 AND 10 art students have recently spent some time working in an artist's studio, creating their own abstracted acrylic paintings for their "Colour and Rhythm" project, which centers on the student's ability to demonstrate their understanding of how artists use color and rhythm effectively when creating their own works of art. The brightly lit workspace was provided by Buenos Aires resident Marcela Davidson, who has developed a...
Read MoreTHE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 12th through 16th is a significant one for those in education, as it is marked by the celebration of International Education Week as well as the hosting of the yearly Global Education Conference (GEC). Now in its third year, the GEC has built a significant following, with over 10,000 participants participating in over 340 general sessions in 2011. For those not familiar with the GEC, it...
Read MoreFÚTBOL IS AN AMAZING TOOL for learning and understanding the Argentine identity. The students at TGS learned that three core ideas represent what it means to be Argentine: passion, independence and machismo. We applied these characteristics to fútbol, Tango, and the cultural icon of Argentina, the gaucho. Despite polo being the official national sport of Argentina, fútbol clearly is in the hearts and minds of every Argentine. Its lower and...
Read MorePRESENTED WITH THE OPPORTUNITY to jump the river to a new country, TGS students were asked to find something that interested them in Uruguay over our 26-hour stay. These self-directed projects were to live digitally and able to be shared to the masses (also known as new media). The pre-IB students found support through their World Literature and Global Studies courses, with additional technical support in the newMedia Lab. Not...
Read MoreTRAVELING AROUND THE WORLD requires the ability to, well, travel. However, I am not speaking to packing a suitcase carefully and leaving home. I am speaking to having access to modes of transportation. Our usage of some forms more than others is rather country-dependent, but here is a list of our more frequently used means. They have allowed us to immerse ourselves further in our various temporary homes, bringing us...
Read MoreAN EXCURSION AT TGS could be a gaucho fair visit, an opera at the Teatro Colón, a rock climbing gym session, or even a boat ride over the Río de la Plata to Uruguay. Recently, students and staff took the hour-long ferry from Buenos Aires to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay for two days of experiences. Whether we were visiting an archeological site or the President's country property, everyone got an...
Read MoreTHINK Global School in conjunction with the Flat Classroom Project® are excited to announce the formation of a Global Student Leadership Forum. After months of planning, the forum will be launched at the upcoming Global Education Conference, when students will meet online and exchange ideas and plans for future development. What are the aims? The aim of the Forum is to to encourage students (High School - Gr 9-12) to...
Read MoreAS IS THE CASE when a group of individuals shows an unrivaled finesse at their calling, Latin America has produced a dizzying amount of literary talent over the last fifty years. At no time was this more apparent than the rise of the literary movement of the 1960's and 1970's known as the Latin American Boom. Before the 1960's, Latin American literature was typically maligned by those in places such...
Read MoreWHEN NEW STUDENTS AND FACULTY arrive at THINK Global School, they quickly learn the importance placed on cultural integration within their newly-adopted community. While our time in each country can be fleeting, there exist many opportunities for genuine friendships to be struck up between those of us within TGS and the local individuals courteous and curious enough to welcome us into their lives. This camaraderie is especially likely between our...
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