My name is Ashley Silver, and I am responsible for setting up each host city as well as running the school headquarters in New York City. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I make a few well-awaited announcements. First, I thought you might like to know where our students are heading come September 1st, 2012. After a successful 2011 trimester in Cuenca, Ecuador, we are pleased to make...
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THINK Global School faculty and students had the privilege of receiving Cambridge historian Dr. Joseph Pearson as a visiting lecturer in Berlin. In the following videos, Dr. Pearson discusses with our students some perplexing realities of concentration camps during the Holocaust. In this discussion with grade 9 student Yuan Yuan, Dr. Pearson explains how those who worked in and survived the concentration camps were among the few who weren't immediately...
Read MoreBERLIN-BASED ARTIST and Creative Arts teacher for Germany Cécile B. Evans explains this term's curriculum and the students' final project at the Berlin Biennale. In this video, students visit the exhibition and express their impressions of various works. The culminating assessment of Creative Arts in Germany is the creation of audio guides, written and recorded by TGS students, that visitors to the Biennale can use to experience this politically-charged...
Read MoreIn March of this year, students transformed into delegates at the Model United Nations assembly in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This activity was a first for TGS, one widely heralded as a worthwhile experience. This month, 19 of our students returned to the action at BALMUN (Baltic MUN) conference in Rostock, Germany. Four other students acted as TGS press and documented the experience with articles, photography, and film. The following are...
Read More1. There's no pity for the wee-dance. Much to the dismay of everyone who needed a toilet during pitstops, the privilege of relieving oneself costs .70 Euro in addition to the cost of time waiting in a queue. It's a bit like adding insult to injury because on top of the inevitable queue for the loo, you may have to run back to the bus to find change for your...
Read MoreCREATIVE ARTS TEACHER Cécile B Evans explains Art By Telephone, a recent activity students participated in with artists and audience members across the globe. In one afternoon, TGSers became creators of global art along with Timur Si-Qin, Lindsay Lawson, and Lucky PDF. The event was live streamed in Australia at an arts festival with onlookers taking part in the constructive dialogue. Within minutes of completion of an art piece, a...
Read MoreBY THE TIME THE SOVIETS arrived in Berlin in 1945, much of it had been bombed by the Allies. The Soviets appropriated the telephone exchanges, streetcars, and anything else that was useful in Moscow, leaving the city a skeleton. Once the city was divided, the architects began the rebuilding process and were eager to create buildings that would leave a legacy. What was once known as Stalin Allee is...
Read MoreGLOBAL STUDIES TEACHER Andrew McLean and World Literature teacher Irene Krugman coordinated a visit to the Wannsee Haus where the conference for the Final Solution took place. At the Wannsee conference, Hitler's top officers developed the document that led to the death of millions of Jews.
Read MoreAPPLYING TO COLLEGE is a difficult process, and it’s often impossible to understand what goes on inside the minds of admissions officers. Story to College—an organization whose mission is to aid students’ writing of college essays through the creative process of storytelling—visited us last weekend to help our students find unique stories that will guide them through the college process and beyond. TGS students already wrote personal memoirs in Thailand,...
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