What is a science class in a traveling high school like? This term, the students of THINK Global School are taking biology. For our first term, we are in Ecuador - the country which has both a part of the Amazon and the well-known Galapagos Islands. Jarrett Voytilla, our science teacher, talks about what science class is like in TGS. “Working in TGS has given me incredible chances,” says Voytilla....
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In your journey to get where you are going, never forget to be right where you are. Our theme this year at TGS is Evolution to Revolution. We want our children to learn where we came from and how we got to where we are now. Who it was that had the ideas, the courage, and the determination to change their own world, and therefore ours. We want them to...
Read MoreChange is inevitable and finding consistency within the change is one goal of the Residential Life Team. There are many elements of THINK Global School that change frequently. Residential Life is one of them. In one term the residence can be a hotel in the middle of a city and in another it can be a dormitory at a boarding school in the countryside. Meals can also fluctuate; sometimes there...
Read MoreChange is difficult, even when it is for the good. This statement is a cornerstone of my thinking when serving students, families, and staff. It can be a challenge for people to leave what they have known in the past. The anxiety many of us feel about change is a good thing. It often protects us. But it can also prevent us from evolving and developing. Thus our desire to...
Read MoreTHIS TERM'S DESTINATION of Ecuador has resulted in the capturing of two terabytes of photographs and footage. Within those 2,000,000,000,000 bytes of information sit hours of intriguing lectures on the economy and environment of Ecuador, images of river adventures in the Amazon, and science classes under the ocean surface off the Galapagos. From this rich pool of content will come short films of all types, including educational resources...
Read MoreDURING THE FINAL WEEK of classes in Cuenca, the students showed their understanding of artistic communication in their first photography exhibition, THINK about Change. Creative Arts teacher Lindsay Clark challenged the students (and staff) to display their social commentary on Ecuador through photography. Pulling from knowledge gained in Global Studies, weXplore trips, experiential learning, and other sources, what resulted was a visually-stunning and ephemeral exhibition, highlighting important social issues and...
Read MoreTHINK Global School students and staff roam the grounds of Incapirca, the largest Incan ruins in Ecuador. Moving through the foundations with a guide, some ask about Cañari agriculture, others wonder about gender roles, and all put the pieces of Cañari history together with the Spanish Conquest.
Read More-s Applying Statistics to TGS Habits Inspired by a visit from WWF International president Yolanda Kakabadse, math teacher Ambika Dani developed a statistics project for her students - to replicate the powerful videos in Sra. Kakabadse's presentation. In these videos, students learned how many liters of water are necessary to create a typical latte in the morning. Yuan Yuan, Russell, and Hudson took this idea and applied it to the...
Read MoreAT TGS, weXplore is the term used to describe the interaction with the host country and culture. weXplore is a two-week trip to the Galapagos, a visit from WWF International president Yolanda Kakabadse, taking to the streets for Fiestas de Cuenca, and more recently a tour of Ecuador's largest and most significant ruin site, Ingapirca. WeXplore Ingapirca Students rose in altitude on the 1.5 hour bus ride to arrive at...
Read MoreThe students held the first annual THINK Film Fest. Inspired by Creative Arts teacher and Media Specialist, Lindsay Clark, the students were given an assignment to create a video that was 5 seconds to 5 minutes long. The only requirements were that it had to feature Cuenca and tell a story. They were given the opportunity to make all the decisions. Needless to say, they did a fantastic job. They...
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