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Fall Newsletter Opening

CM1 students in Istanbul, Türkiye

Greetings from all of us here at THINK Global School!

The 2022-23 school year is now well underway. To kick things off, our CM2 Community returned to a country we’ve become very familiar with over the last five years, Botswana, while our CM1 Community ventured somewhere for the first time: Malaysia. 

The first term of the year is arguably our most important as it introduces new students to THINK Global School’s novel approach to learning and community values, most notably through the Rite of Passage. You can watch a fantastic primer on the Annual Rite of Passage here, created by CM2 Media Specialist Matt Rogers. 

During their time in Malaysia, the Borneo state of Sabah specifically, CM1 students learned about six different ethnic groups who call the state home by focusing on their cuisine. Students documented their cultural and culinary experiences through photography and writing. You can find a comprehensive look at their term here.   

During their time in Botswana, CM2 students focused on exploring the art of storytelling through one of two focuses: ecology and oral storytelling. The term also included many opportunities to get up close and personal with the region’s wildlife, including aboard a boat and prop plane! You can find a comprehensive look at their term here

Term 2 Overview

We also recently completed Term Two in Istanbul, Türkiye, and Mumbai, India. Here’s a quick overview on the projects students focused on during the term: 

Türkiye Modules

In Türkiye, students selected one of three project modules to focus on for the eight-week term. 

The first module, Lokma Ekonomi, had students exploring the relationship between the country’s distinct ethnic communities and the Turkish economy. Participants met with government members, religious figures, corporate workers, and many other community members while crafting policies that could benefit the Turkish people as their final product. 

The second module, Can You Astronish Me?, had students utilizing scientific investigation to explore astronomy’s past, present, and future challenges while also building a functioning telescope for their final product. During the term, they visited the Istanbul University of Astronomy and Space Science and the Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam, among many others places, to bolster their knowledge. 


The third Türkiye module, Learn History? We Ought To, Man! had students doing just that through the lenses of historical thinking and global awareness. During their time in Istanbul, they visited the Harbiye Military Museum, met with the Human Rights Association, visited the Greek Consulate to understand modern-day politics and international relations, and toured a Gallipoli battlefield. 

India Modules

Over in India, students also worked on projects representative of their surroundings. 

In the Geometry of Design module, students turned their eyes to India’s architecture and culture to explore mathematical and design concepts, with the end goal of crafting an eye-catching saree. Throughout their time in India, participants met with mathematicians, entrepreneurs, and participated in the “Ahmedabad Heritage Walk,” a 2km interfaith trek that starts at the Kalupur Swaminarayan Hindu Temple and ends at the Jami Masjid Mosque. During the tour, students sketched geometric designs they saw throughout the city and learned about 22 significant landmarks in Ahmedabad. 

In the Path to Sustainability Module, participants used Mumbai’s hectic setting to explore how urban settlements can be planned to balance sustainable development and quality of life. Their in-country experiences were designed around allowing them to better understand environmental sustainability issues and how they affect different communities in the Mumbai area. 

The third module, Mumbai’s Entrepreneurs, focused on exploring life in Dharavi, one of the largest slums in the world, and how microeconomic opportunities can be used to help its residents climb out from the bottom of the pyramid and achieve a better life. During the term, students visited Dharavi to witness it firsthand and met with local entrepreneurs who have successfully made a life for themselves via their own ingenuity. By the term’s end, students developed a business plan for a product or service benefiting India’s most needy. 


Where Next?

Following a break for the holidays, our CM1 students will travel to Muscat, Oman, while our CM2 students will head to Seoul, South Korea, for the third term of their school year.

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