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HOS Jamie Steckart reflects on the 2016-17 school year

From the Andes Mountains to the Pacific Northwest, TGS ended its year on a high note, graduating the Class of 2017 on a perfect night with the Canadian Rocky Mountains serving as a gorgeous backdrop.

Today, I would like to thank all of the people that made the culmination of our students’ experience possible: Foremost, to our founder Joann McPike and the THINK Global School Board, whose vision and generosity took the school from an idea to something real; to the amazing staff who put in countless hours planning and preparing for the arrival of students each term; and finally, to the families of TGS students who support the vision of the school and entrust us with the care and development of their most prized possession, their children.

TGS is like no other educational experience. It is a enormous event in a young person’s life, leading them down pathways no one could conceive at the time their application. During the day-to-day life of a student at TGS, however, the extraordinary sometimes becomes the ordinary, and in the blink of an eye their time at TGS is done.

I often wonder where will students take the experiences and deep learning that occurs. Will this be a pivotal point in their life? Will this experience be the catalyst for everything that happens later?

Life has these fleeting moments, where if you’re lucky you get a shot to make a significant change, either internally or with the world around you — amazing opportunities to be a part of something that is bigger than one’s self. To students returning in 2017-18, I charge you with pausing a moment to really think about what you want to learn during your timing remaining at the school.

And to our graduates, take a moment to reflect on your own array of wordly experiences, and pay it forward by sharing them with others so that the spirit of TGS never dies.

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