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Nature and its marvels (a poem)

While enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be creative during the course of their studies and travels. In her poem “Nature and its marvels,” 9th grader Utkarsha V. recounts her adventures traveling throughout New Zealand’s North Island.

Nature and its marvels

I gaze up at the sky full of stars,

And remember my loved ones afar.

It’s said that stars indicate your past,

And I look at it until time lasts.

The sound of waves crashing on the shore,The beating of my heart asking for no more,

But this magnificence and pleasantness,

The beauty and the calmness.

The time ticked away so fast,From looking at huge trees and the ocean that is vast,

I still can’t believe how beautiful nature could be,

And how many marvels are hidden for us to see.

The nature’s lap has many beautiful secrets to show,

I leapt onto some like an arrow does on a target, once it leaves the bow,

From riding on massive sand dunes to learning about a tree,

I never thought I would live these moments, and how wonderful it could be.

Every morning showed us a new beginning.Some started late and some with the birds singing.There were no worries or problems then,

This was a time just for ourselves and our friends.

Every culture has it its one unique story,As the Maori do, with every tale representing a theory.From carving amazing Maori pendants to experiencing the Treaty of Waitangi,

I did not only see the culture but lived it from doing the haka to eating the hangi.

As the days go by I look around me,And realize that I was never able to seeWhat lies around me and its goodness,

It’s tranquility and its importance.

The stars seem to shine as bright as the glowing water beneath me,As if they’re trying to compete with each other trying to be as superior as they can be.Snorkeling hours in the water next day was never that much fun,

I think these are the best times in our lives as I watch the setting sun.

Life is nothing but a collection of memories,Memories are nothing but something we feel or see.Yes; the stars definitely reflect the past,

And in the future I’ll smile at them ’til the time lasts.


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