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Canada Brazil Vietnam Italy

Environmental studies at Stanley Park, renewable energy lessons in the Amazon rainforest, and cultural preservation projects in Hanoi’s Old Quarter are activities students might experience during the 2027-28 school year.


Summer Term

Majestic wilderness and multicultural cities are two things to love about this welcoming nation

Our 2027-28 school year kicks off in Canada, whose skyscraper-laden cities offer easy access to the breathtaking mountains, lakes, and forests surrounding them. It’s a place where skiing at dawn and kayaking at dusk on the same day isn’t far-fetched, and we look forward to making the most of our time in this outdoorsman’s paradise.

While the natural landscapes are the main attraction, Canada’s major cities also offer plenty of ways to learn experientially. The burgeoning tech sector will allow students to engage with cutting-edge innovations and learn about future technological advancements. Concurrently, collaborating with community-based organizations will enable students to participate in service projects that heighten environmental consciousness and provide a meaningful impact.

Our time in Canada will also likely be dedicated to understanding and appreciating the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities that call it home. By developing a deep respect for their rich histories, diverse cultures, languages, and traditions, we can better comprehend their ongoing efforts to foster a more inclusive, equitable, and just society in Canada.

Planned Projects

  • How can we apply our learning of indigenous environmental advocacy in Canada to create a sustainable NGO in our home country?

  • How can we understand the impact of equity and Canadian policies on the unhoused populations of Vancouver to propose new policies?

  • How can we improve earthquakes preparedness in Vancouver through collaboration and innovation?


Fall Term

From samba beats to sunset surfs, everything is colorful in this tropical paradise

Following our summer term in Canada, we next head to Brazil. While Canada is renowned for its friendly and polite demeanor, Brazil captivates with its vibrant and energetic approach to life. This lively nation is a kaleidoscope of samba rhythms, bustling cafés, and architectural wonders that showcase its diverse cultural heritage.

Like Canada, Brazil will offer plenty of opportunities to explore the outdoors and turn its natural environments into our classroom. Environmental science lessons could be held on its beaches in the morning, followed by physical education activities in the afternoon. And for those not so keen on sand in their shoes, Brazil’s staggered terrains will offer plenty of opportunities to hike, bike, and learn.

Our exploration of Brazil will also delve deep into its rich cultural tapestry, woven from African, European, and Indigenous influences. We’ll likely immerse ourselves in the local culture by participating in vibrant festivals, visiting insightful museums and cultural centers, and interacting with local artisans who are the custodians of Brazil’s traditional arts and crafts.

One thing is for sure: there won’t be a dull moment during our time in this colorful nation.

Potential Projects

  • Examining Brazil’s role as a global leader in renewable energy through workshops on renewable energy technologies, interviews with energy experts, and visiting an ethanol production plant to learn how sugarcane is converted into biofuel.

  • Studying the unique Brazilian martial art of Capoeira, which fuses physical artistry, cultural expression, and historical significance, by exploring its integration of the Portuguese language, its role in contemporary Brazilian society, and its roots in African heritage.

  • Delving into the diverse cultures of the Amazon Rainforest’s Indigenous tribes to understand their ways of life, their languages, traditions, and the effects of deforestation, mining, and climate change on their communities.

  • Using data science and mathematical modeling to analyze the biodiversity and ecological patterns in the Amazon Rainforest through technologies like GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and remote sensing.


Winter Term

A tapestry of rich cultures is at the heart of this captivating country

Following Brazil, we head to Vietnam. Located on the eastern edge of the Indochinese Peninsula, Vietnam is a country whose multifaceted environments, from the dynamic urban landscapes of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi to the serene vistas of Ha Long Bay and the Mekong Delta, present the ideal setting for our winter term.

This variety is also reflected in Vietnam’s distinctive architecture, rich traditions, and flavorful cuisine, and they collectively promise to offer our students an immersive cultural and societal exploration. Our learning excursions could include navigating the historic Old Quarter in Hanoi, experiencing the serenity of Hoan Kiem Lake and Ngoc Son Temple, or enjoying the unique artistry of a traditional water puppet show at the renowned Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre.

The presence of Vietnam’s 54 officially recognized ethnic groups, each with their own distinct language, traditions, and customs, presents profound opportunities for in-depth studies in anthropology and ethnography. Additionally, Vietnam’s extensive and resilient history will be a fertile ground for our students to engage deeply with political science and social studies. At the same time, witnessing Vietnam’s swift economic progress and its increasing role in the global market will offer valuable perspectives on the evolving geopolitical landscape in Asia as the nation strides forward.

Potential Projects

  • Examining how technology and mathematics are used in one of Vietnam’s key industries, sustainable aquaculture, by learning how technology is used to monitor water quality and fish health, using statistical models to optimize feeding and growth, and analyzing the sustainability of different aquaculture practices.

  • Actively contributing to community development initiatives in underserved Vietnamese communities to gain a deeper understanding of Vietnam’s social challenges and opportunities alongside skills in field research, project management, and cross-cultural communication.

  • Analyzing Vietnam’s rapidly growing digital economy and e-commerce markets by researching the e-commerce landscape, using data analytics to understand consumer behavior and market trends, developing predictive models for e-commerce growth, and exploring digital transformation’s impact on traditional Vietnamese businesses.

  • Immersing students in the rich tapestry of Vietnamese art and traditions to better understand the historical and cultural significance of these crafts. Visits might include famous artisan villages like Bát Tràng for ceramics, Vạn Phúc for silk weaving, and Đông Hồ for traditional woodblock printing.


Spring Term

Art, architecture, and adventure abound in this culinary paradise

To close out the school year, our students head to Italy, the country with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world (58), which include amazing historical landmarks, cultural sites, and natural wonders. 

Italy’s extensive history and cultural heritage will provide the perfect backdrop for projects of all types and our unique take on place-based learning. It’s an opportunity to explore ancient ruins, Renaissance art, and architectural masterpieces, offering insights into Western civilization, art history, and architectural design. 

And what would a term in Italy be without culinary adventures? Students will undoubtedly enjoy traditional dishes like tortellini in brodo at some of Italy’s many quaint eateries, fostering a connection with the city that can only be forged through pasta.

Potential Projects

  • Studying Venice’s environmental and infrastructural challenges due to climate change and heavy tourism by investigating how these factors affect the city’s unique ecosystem and historical sites.

  • Delving into Milan’s fashion world by visiting leading fashion houses, engaging in design workshops, and interacting with marketing executives to learn how the world’s largest brands design their garments, market their products, and address sustainability concerns.

  • Exploring the rich culinary traditions of Bologna and the city’s vast contributions to Italian gastronomy by experiencing traditional food-making processes, organic farming practices, and the influence of cultural heritage on Bologna’s culinary arts.

  • Participating in supervised archaeological digs at some of Rome’s many historical sites to learn about the techniques and challenges associated with excavation work in the modern age.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

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