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Student Reflections on Botswana

With the first term of the 2021-22 school year officially in the books, we asked our CM1 students to share their thoughts regarding their time in Botswana. You can find their reflections below and a comprehensive overview of our Botswana term here.

Rite of Passage

“So many things happened here in Botswana, and so many more things were learned from the people and the places around us. Personally, I was more inclined towards the biodiversity and nature aspects of the term, especially the Rite of Passage and the weXplore, but everything was absolutely amazing!” Class of 2023 Student Camille A.

“The Rite of Passage was one of the most intense experiences this term. It allowed me to feel closer to my advisory and actually form real bonds while trying to survive in the wilderness. It was definitely a challenge to fight my fear of the unknown, sleep in the middle of the savanna, and have nothing but an onion and a potato to eat, but at the same time, getting out of my comfort zone allowed me to realize that I was able to live an experience like that and enjoy it.”– Class of 2022 Student Nada K.

Animal Farm Visit

“The visit to the animal farm was an incredible experience. It was like a trip back in time to traditional Botswana, where we had the chance to witness with our own eyes how some people still keep their culture alive and so well preserved in the modern world.” – Class of 2024 Student Helena F.

“One thing I found particularly interesting was that this lifestyle, a farm where most of the produce is used to feed yourself, and only some are sold, is a popular retirement job for Batswana. The reason they need to do this is that they have not been educated on how to save, invest, and use other tactics to live in ease in retirement.” – Class of 2024 Student Noah D.

Project Work

“For my summative story, I used the knowledge I acquired from online learning, listening to our guest speakers, and talking to the staff at our Camp in Botswana. Through these, I developed an appreciation for Botswana culture and learned a lot about the country’s history and current development.” – Class of 2022 Student Viktoria L.

“During the Botswana term, we got to experience Botswana through different modules and experiences, which reshaped my idea of Botswana and made me grow in many aspects.

Through the module, I was happy to understand and learn about Botswana while applying my knowledge to my summative assessment. This experience made me grow and get closer with my classmates in the community, to whom I now consider close friends and myself a part of.” – Class of 2022 Student Samy M.

“I didn’t realize it at first, but every single activity we did during the module helped me construct a story that talks about an issue that Botswana faces. My story focused on how elephants have become a danger to villages here and was a valuable lesson in that you should always have faith in yourself.

What I was exposed to can never and will never be the same as reading about it online, and I am so grateful.” – Class of 2023 Student Kiana B.

“My goal for the term was to be open to the TGS community. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and I did express myself. During the module visits, I really enjoyed learning about Botswana’s political, economic, and agricultural situation. I got a chance to interact with the local community and learn about the people of Botswana and their culture. Most of all, I enjoyed practicing the traditional dance of Botswana and cooking.”– Class of 2022 Student Methini G.


“My most vivid and surprising moment was my time during weXplore. These days were perhaps my favorite out of the entire term. Seeing the animals was an unreal experience, and it is something that I will never forget. I really enjoyed learning about the tracks, the way animals behave, and more. Botswana was such a unique term that I will never forget.” – Class of 2022 Student Seckhen A.

“Throughout this module, I was exposed to numerous amount of eye-opening experiences. Each session I did impacted how I view Botswana, from going to the crop & veg farm, listening to the Elephant Protection Society, learning about the economy at the animal farm, to cooking, singing, dancing, and engaging in other traditional Botswana activities. I felt my perspective expanding more and more every day, especially when we went to GO Camp.

Every moment I created, whether it was catching goats or building a shelter out of nothing, contributed to my learning in a unique way. Getting to partake in actual animal tracking and hearing about the guide’s lives here made me realize so much about myself that I will remember for years and years.” – Class of 2023 Student Kiana B.

“During weXplore, I loved interacting with the guides. It was interesting to learn about animal tracking, data collection, and human/wildlife conflicts. When we traveled to the Moremi Reserve, where we were able to see lions, I got really excited — I am grateful that I got an opportunity to experience Botswana’s wildlife!” – Class of 2022 Student Methini G.

Student Life

“During this term, I was able to spread my desire to put all of myself into my work with the rest of the community and became a magnet for hard workers, self-improvers, and eager learners. The focus I put on my learning has allowed me to experience fully and truly live during my time here in Botswana.” – Class of 2024 Student Noah D.

“My main takeaway from this term is to go outside of your comfort zone; you will never grow if you only stay with what you’re comfortable with.

My favorite Botswana moment was hanging out with my friends, just being able to sit with them and talk was enough for me. At TGS, I can be myself, and we don’t always need to be talking to have fun. We could just be listening to music, and that’s enough for me.” – Class of 2023 Student Wil E.



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