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Students participate in the Global Classrooms Model UN

During the dates of May 16-18, twelve of our students (Maya, Yada, Paul, Megan, Hannah, Charis, A’ntonia, Fatima, Tiana, Joseph, YuanYuan, and Anat) participated in the annual Global Classrooms Model United Nations conference. This conference, held in NYC, was unlike the previous ones that TGS has attended as it allowed our students the opportunity to visit the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations Headquarters for both the opening and closing ceremonies. We were almost graced with the presence of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon; however, he was unable to attend the ceremony and sent his Envoy on Youth to deliver a message to our delegates.

The conference hosted schools from all over the world and a total of 2,800 delegates were in attendance. Our students did a phenomenal job representing Canada (the country we were assigned) and debating issues such as migration, non-native invasive species, the Millenium Development Goals, generic drugs, and childhood immunization.

Although each of our TGS delegates and press corps members were great participants, a few of them were recognized by the organization for excellence in specific areas. I would like to congratulate Maya on her award for the best photographer of the press corps, Yada on her award for the best reporter of the press corps, Paul and Megan on their verbal commendation in their committee, and Hannah and Charis on their award for the best position paper in their committee. A’ntonia, Fatima, Tiana, Joseph, YuanYuan, and Anat were all key players in their committees as well and were main sponsors of resolutions – quite an achievement!

An incredible amount of hard work was put in by the students while preparing for this conference, and their enthusiasm and participation carried on over the course of the three days.

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