Global Studies teacher Andrew McLean recently asked his students to write 4 "Wow!" moments, 3 learning moments, 2 mind-changing moments, and 1 moment worth learning more about. The following moments come courtesy of TGS student Hannah C. Are the Galapagos just a tourist trap? WOW #1 His volunteers stand fidgeting in the center of the circle, as we listen intently to Pepo and his story of Floreana’s first families....
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Global Studies teacher Andrew McLean asks his students to write 4 wow moments, 3 learning moments, 2 mind-changing moments, and 1 moment worth learning more about. Exploring Nature's Bonds WOW #1 I find myself here, reflecting. As ongoing bursts of sharp wind bite and whip at our hair with a Great White's ferocity and the ocean makes haste to greet the light sand and wash over the black rocks, a...
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