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‘-tion. A weXplore Reflection

“It is not a place to see, but a place to feel,”

The place to feel has three names,

And two rivers meeting one,

And twelve people looking for something,

And a few people finding it in 5+ packets of coffee

And at the bottom of the test tube,

We found it,

We knew what we were trying to find,



In the place before,

The place where statues stand tall next to dams,

We were looking for something,

Six people were looking for friendship, four for adventure, two for coffee,

We found tiny stories, and we walked for a second,

Then were pulled back onto the bus,

Because it was deemed we would not find it there.



And in the place we only shook hands with,

Before taking off to the next spot,

We were driving towards something,

Through traffic for something,

Hours for something,

And we found it.



On the six days, on the four flights, on the innumerable bus rides,

I was looking for something,

I searched in transit, I searched in the local fast food,

I searched for it in yoga poses and deep breathing,

I searched for it in a novel, and in a portfolio,

And in a reflection, and in a summary,

Reflection is a foreign word, one of three that describe the same thing,

Because that was what I was looking for,

And I never found it.

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