It is really difficult to describe how our time in Scotland has affected me. The sheer size and beauty of the Highland’s hills left me not only in awe, but it was also a very humbling experience. I believe that the things I experienced here have shown me that we all are part of a bigger whole, and that we should never forget that we have a role to play...
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Many students dream of taking time off of school to travel. But at this high school, traveling is school. THINK Global School takes high school students traveling through nine countries over the course of three years. While moving from country to country every three to six months, they take...
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If there is one thing our students all share in common, it’s that they really, really love scavenger hunts. Whether meandering through the side streets of Tokyo looking for their next epic clue or rummaging through the library of our host school, they are guaranteed to be all in. (Geocaching, likewise, has also been embraced with extreme enthusiasm. If you aren’t familiar with this global phenomenon, we highly recommend you...
Read More(Editor's Note: The full TGS Symposium can be viewed at the bottom of the post) The first annual TGS Symposium was held in Athens at the end of our 2014/2015 school year. The theme, Legends to Legacies, was chosen as a way to showcase exemplary student work crafted during our time in Greece. As a humanities team, we decided it was important to discuss the progression of thought, starting from...
Read More“But, everyone speaks English anyway!” I forgive you if you’ve ever said this phrase. You may not want nor need my forgiveness, but you have it anyway. Let me tell you why. As a teacher of modern foreign languages, I am accustomed to understanding people when I travel. For instance, when I traveled around Latin America a couple of years ago, it was a breeze. Likewise, when I visit France...
Read More“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill Nineteen-year-old Australia native Xavier di Petta has a keen understanding of this famous quote regarding history, as well as the social platforms, like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, that his fellow millennials flock to. Along with his business partner Kyle Cameron, Xavier has been using social media to expose millions of followers to bite-sized history...
Read MoreWhile enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be creative during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. In ‘Am I interesting?’, tenth grader Kiana F. ponders the reasoning behind her desire to continuously travel, and whether it is to tied to making her own persona more interesting. ‘Am I interesting?’ first appeared on Kiana’s...
Read MoreOne issue that keeps popping up for me both at home and in each country I visit is ethics. In Greece, it’s often been on the forefront of my mind. There was one afternoon where my classmate River and I took four different subway rides, and on each one we were approached by people asking for money. There was a man so scarred by burns that it was impossible to...
Read MoreOn June 23rd, Emma Dollery, a resident of Zambia, will experience her high school graduation in the same way that many teenagers do. There will be the matriculation process and a gleeful celebration full of proud parents. For Emma though, one thing will be drastically different: her graduation..
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Obesity rates these days are a cause for concern the world over, and the trend is one that only looks to get worse in the years to come. As the serving sizes of high calorie foods have increased dramatically, so have the rates of diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure in those who indulge too frequently. Due to the ample amounts of fresh fish, leafy vegetables, and olive oil that...
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