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Since our first term in Stockholm, Sweden, a heavy focus has been placed on encouraging our students to capture their thoughts through the process of reflection. It is an activity that is commonplace in schools, but particularly useful at one that spans the globe and features dynamic classrooms. So why are reflections such an important part of the THINK Global School makeup?   Writing a reflection allows our students to...

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Having now lived and worked in India for a number of months, it is time to ask myself whether I feel any clearer about the metaphor that is implicit in the phrase “Incredible India.” Certainly, having traveled around certain areas of the country and, perhaps far more importantly, having interacted with some of its many citizens, I have a little more knowledge and understanding than was the case when I...

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As our semester and time in India draw to a close, it is important to stop for a moment, take stock  and share all the beautiful things that we have created in the past 3 and a half months. This past Tuesday afternoon saw TGS and Indus celebrate through a collaborative Art Exhibition showcasing our students' recent work. The walls (and doors) of an open space were filled with drawings,...

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No matter where we turn in India, magnificent displays of color are always there to greet us. Women of all ages can be seen, adorning their frames with bright sarees; abundant, lush greenery can usually be found just a stone's throw away. To add a bit of dark contrast to this colorful world, the students of Breanna Reynold's 12th grade Language & Literature classes have been studying the macabre Shakespeare...

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  Ideas worth spreading. It's a simple phrase, but one that packs a lot of meaning into three short words. This is the slogan of TED, one of a growing number of websites disseminating educational materials online. Nowadays, all manner of resources -- ranging from lectures like those found on TED to full courses -- are available to stream or download, often times for free. The lack of a price...

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This past weekend, our students participated in a TGS first: choosing their own weXplore adventures across India. I, along with the other teachers, presented them with eight different options to choose from, each offering unique content and curricular ties. The students had narrowed these options down to five by the time the weekend arrived, and we sent them in different sized groups to all parts of India. Two of the...

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  In his book, India Calling, author Anand Giridharadas wrote that, "India has become -- in a way that it has not been -- a land of opportunity for millions and millions and millions of people." Anand's words have certainly rung true for us in our few short months here; India has allowed our legion of intrepid students to partake in some fantastic opportunities of their own. Stunning locations have...

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Before embarking on last month's eight-day trip of northern India, Media Specialist and newMedia Lab teacher Lindsay Clark provided students with the hashtag #TGSNIN and encouraged them to "tag" their photos, videos, and writing with it throughout the journey. Many students keenly got on board and proceeded to post pictures marked with the hashtag on their favorite social networks. For the users of websites and mobile apps like Facebook and...

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This past week, 9th grader Kiana and 11th grader Amelia traveled to Sri Lanka to compete in an international swimming competition. They represented our host school, INDUS International School Hyderabad, and competed against swimmers from India and Sri Lanka at the Visakha Swimming Pool Complex in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Amelia and Kiana were invited by the INDUS swim coach and traveled with the 13 little boys (ages 12 and under)...

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While enrolled at THINK Global School, students are encouraged to be creative during the course of their studies and travels. When the students document these thoughts, we are often delighted with the results. In her travel writing piece, "Visiting the Sambhavna clinic: life after the Bhopal disaster," 11th grade student Emma D. describes how the non-profit Sambhavna clinic is making life better for for those affected by the 1984 Bhopal...

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1) Hi Nada, can you tell us what you've been up to since graduating from THINK Global School in 2022? Since graduating in 2022, I've been pursuing a passion I found while at TGS, sustainability, and I am currently majoring in engineering in renewable energy systems at Al Akhawayn University, in Ifrane, Morocco. But there is way more than that! I've had a chance also to explore the world of...

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With our 2024-25 school year just a couple of weeks away, we want to share details on what Class of '24 Graduate Andrea Claudia Diaz Gutierrez will be up to during that time. During her gap year, Andrea will focus on a project she launched at TGS: Foodstainable. Shocked by reports that half of Peru's food is wasted, Andrea founded Foodstainable to turn food waste into dog food. This year,...

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Are you interested in applying to THINK Global School but aren’t quite sure if it’s right for you? That’s OK! It’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. To help you in your application process, we’ve put together a list of five things we feel every applicant to THINK Global School should know. We hope you find them helpful.  1) You’ll gain an education by living and learning in the...

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Tattooing is the most misunderstood art form in Japan today. Looked down upon for centuries and rarely discussed in social circles, people with tattoos are outcasts in this country, banned from most public spaces such as beaches, bathhouses, and even gyms. Tattoos have an extensive history in Japan, and to truly understand the stigma behind them it is essential to be aware of their significance. The first records of tattoos...

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Greetings TGS, Long time reader, first time blogger here. Some of you may have noticed that I can be a little patriotic... My friends in Abu Dhabi used to joke that New Zealand has "small country" syndrome because it is always determined to be the best. I think like the Canadians, we are determined not to be seen as the same as our more populated neighbours. With that in mind...

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With THINK Global School’s term in Bosnia and Herzegovina recently concluded, we thought we’d share a few interesting facts about the heart-shaped country with you. Whether you are working on a school project or planning a trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina yourself, we hope you find these seven facts useful!! Fact #1) Sarajevo was the first city in Europe with a full-time electric tram Trams have a long history in...

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Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

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