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WHAT DOES IT TAKE to feed not one but 36 growing teenagers in a mobile environment without access to a cafeteria? Allow me to answer in detail. Breakfast Held every weekday morning from 6:45-7:15 am, breakfast in the common lounge is mandatory for the sleepy grade 9s and 10s. Various cereals, eggs, yogurts, toast, peanut butter, jams, milk, and orange juice are always at hand to feed the masses. Mornings...

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Once a week Head of School Alun Cooper holds an English Club for our 9th and 10th grade students, providing them with an opportunity to focus on creating thought-provoking and cerebral pieces of work. In our newest Student Showcase, 9th Grader Sydney M. presents the dictionary definition of the adjective eternal, and then follows it up with her own interpretation. Researched Definition: Eternal- without beginning or end; lasting forever; always...

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AT ONE POINT IN MY CHILDHOOD, I wanted to be a dolphin. With the recent popularity of places such as SeaWorld, I had constantly seen them blasted around TV, and I thought they were majestic. Little did I know, however, that these places which looked so magical to me in my childhood, were the source of so much destruction to dolphins. Ric O’Barry, perhaps the world’s most well known dolphin...

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To think is to forget differences, generalize, make abstractions. -Jorge Luis Borges IT IS WITH THIS QUOTE, and this particular lens on memory, that we began our first major assignment in English class. The quote comes from the short story, “Funes the Memorious,” by Jorge Luis Borges. Bores, a staple of Argentine culture, is famous for being a pioneer of magical realism, a truly South American genre of literature, where...

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MUSEUMS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD pay tribute to our ancestors through grandiose oil paintings and intricate family trees replete with branches. Barring a handful of exceptions, every member of our global society can trace their genealogy back at least one generation, and often times many more. Given the traveling concept of THINK Global School, the opportunity for a special moment to arise is ever-present. This held true during our recently completed...

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WHY SOCRATIC? A Socratic Seminar allows for students to lead a philosophical discussion over a particular text, which in this case was the students' summer read, Long After Midnight in the Niño Bien by Brian Winter. This debate invites authentic inquiry, as it is both student-centered and student-led. At TGS, we believe in the power of asking questions, and this exercise allows for students to ask questions whose value lies...

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Since the inception of Wrists for Rights, our overarching goal has been to leave a self-sustaining footprint on the communities that THINK Global School visits during the school year. Recently we received word that our actions had resulted in just that, and the feeling of joy for those that have benefited from our actions is hard to contain. We received the following letter from Mickey Choothesa, the Executive Director for...

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With only a little bit of flour, cornflakes, condensed milk, chocolate, oatmeal, apple, and honey, Hannah, Alice, and Maya, three of TGS's most talented bakers, whipped up amazing delicacies. In two hours, chocolate muffins, apple crumble, caramelized apples, brownies, and chocolate cake appeared on the plates. Hannah reflected: Even though we were lacking in some of the major ingredients, it was okay because we were doing it for a cause....

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AT THE BEGINNING OF LAST WEEK, ResLIFE staff implemented a new idea for boarding: the creation of a house system. Inspired by and modeled after of the traditional British boarding house system seen in prestigious schools such as Eton, Winchester, or Harrow, a great deal of boarding schools across the globe have adopted the approach. Contrary to current belief, the house system came around before Harry Potter! Houses help to...

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1) Hi Nada, can you tell us what you've been up to since graduating from THINK Global School in 2022? Since graduating in 2022, I've been pursuing a passion I found while at TGS, sustainability, and I am currently majoring in engineering in renewable energy systems at Al Akhawayn University, in Ifrane, Morocco. But there is way more than that! I've had a chance also to explore the world of...

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With our 2024-25 school year just a couple of weeks away, we want to share details on what Class of '24 Graduate Andrea Claudia Diaz Gutierrez will be up to during that time. During her gap year, Andrea will focus on a project she launched at TGS: Foodstainable. Shocked by reports that half of Peru's food is wasted, Andrea founded Foodstainable to turn food waste into dog food. This year,...

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Are you interested in applying to THINK Global School but aren’t quite sure if it’s right for you? That’s OK! It’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. To help you in your application process, we’ve put together a list of five things we feel every applicant to THINK Global School should know. We hope you find them helpful.  1) You’ll gain an education by living and learning in the...

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Tattooing is the most misunderstood art form in Japan today. Looked down upon for centuries and rarely discussed in social circles, people with tattoos are outcasts in this country, banned from most public spaces such as beaches, bathhouses, and even gyms. Tattoos have an extensive history in Japan, and to truly understand the stigma behind them it is essential to be aware of their significance. The first records of tattoos...

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Greetings TGS, Long time reader, first time blogger here. Some of you may have noticed that I can be a little patriotic... My friends in Abu Dhabi used to joke that New Zealand has "small country" syndrome because it is always determined to be the best. I think like the Canadians, we are determined not to be seen as the same as our more populated neighbours. With that in mind...

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With THINK Global School’s term in Bosnia and Herzegovina recently concluded, we thought we’d share a few interesting facts about the heart-shaped country with you. Whether you are working on a school project or planning a trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina yourself, we hope you find these seven facts useful!! Fact #1) Sarajevo was the first city in Europe with a full-time electric tram Trams have a long history in...

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Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

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