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Embark on an
Educational Journey

Where your classroom has no borders and learning knows no bounds.

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Welcome to THINK Global School

THINK Global School is a traveling high school where students live and learn in four countries each year, making unforgettable connections between their studies and the world around them.

Our innovative Changemaker Curriculum gives students agency over their education through a combination of real-world exploration, skills mastery, and project-based learning.

  • 12countries
  • 3years
  • 4:1student

欢迎来到 THINK Global School

THINK Global School 是一所旅居型高中,学生每年会造访四个不同国家,打造出融合教育及世界文化的非凡经历。我校的“世界改造者课程”会考验学生的潜能,透过项目式学习课程,精通学术知识与生活技能,探索真实世界,让他们亲自策划属于自己的求学过程。

  • 10国家
  • 3年级
  • 4:1师生比例
常见问题解答 (中文

مرحبا بكم في Think Global School

تعتبر “Think Global School” أو “TGS” أول مدرسة ثانوية متنقّلة في العالم، حيث ستعيشون في أربعة دول مختلفة، مما يخلق تجارب و روابط لا تنسى بين دراستكم والعالم.

  • 10بلدان
  • 3سنوات
  • 4:1نسبة الطالب / المعلم
إقرا الأسئلة المتداولة باللغة العربية

Bienvenue à THINK Global School

THINK Global School est la première école itinérante au monde, où vous apprendrez et vivrez dans quatre pays différents, en établissant des liens inoubliables entre votre éducation et le monde qui vous entoure.

Avec notre ambitieux programme “change maker” vous prennez en main vos apprenssages à travers l’exploration du monde réel, la maîtrise de nouvelles competences et la conduite de projets.

  • 10Pays
  • 3Années
  • 4:1Le ratio élèves-enseignant
Lisez notre FAQ en français

Bienvenidos a THINK Global School

THINK Global School es una escuela secundaria intenerante donde vivirás y aprenderás en cuatro países al año, creando conexiones inolvidables entre tu educación y el mundo a tu alrededor.

Nuestro curriculum Change Maker es desafiante, y te pone al mando de tu propio aprendizaje combinando la exploración del mundo real, el dominio de habilidades, y el aprendizaje basado en proyectos.

  • 10Países
  • 3Años
  • 4:1Proporción de Estudiante/ Profesores
Lea nuestras FAQ en Español

Willkommen bei der THINK Global School

Die THINK Global School ist eine reisende weiterführende Schule, auf der Schüler pro Jahr in vier verschiedenen Ländern leben und lernen, und unvergessliche Verbindungen zwischen ihrer Bildung und der Welt um sich herum herstellen.

Unser herausforderndes Changemaker Curriculum ermöglicht dir eigenverantwortliches Lernen durch eine Mischung von lebensnahen Erlebnissen, der Erweiterung deiner Fähigkeiten und projektbasiertem Lernen.

  • 10Länder
  • 3Jahre
  • 4:1Schühler-Lehrer-Verhältnis
Mehr erfahren auf Deutsch

An Education Unlike Any Other

Imagine reading Homer as you trace Odysseus’ journey through Greece or learning data modeling by cataloging the sea life you observe while scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef. THINK Global School’s rigorous Changemaker Curriculum combines travel with project-based learning, making for a one-of-a-kind education that nurtures all areas of teenage development.

Explore the Curriculum


Ready to see where you’ll call home? Please bear in mind, however, that countries are always subject to change.

Our Travels

Parent and Student

Before I came to TGS, most of what I learned was what I was told I had to learn. I enjoyed the lessons and the knowledge I gained, but they weren’t necessarily intrinsic.

Being able to choose what I learned through project-based learning was a really fresh experience that let me establish my interests and do what I’m good at, not just work based on school reports. I valued that autonomy.

Souen Kim
Class of 2020, South Korea

THINK Global School exposed Chase to an approach to education greater than everything we imagined it to be. He grew so much, always asking insightful questions, understanding process and context, and working as part of a team.

The THINK Global School community is also wonderful and inspiring, with educators dedicated to the growth and success of each student. The bonds Chase forged with his peers and teachers, in both challenging and wonderful situations, will last a lifetime.

Chris Peterson
Parent, United States

THINK Global School was life-changing for Paula. She found a home and a family that is truly spread out across the world. She developed a sense of belonging, community, and responsibility that is unusual for someone her age. She is concerned with world issues and wants to participate with positive input. She has taken responsibility for her education and understands that education is a lifelong ongoing task.

Many of these traits were natural to her, but at TGS, she learned to empower them. She feels at home, no matter where that is.

Diego Marquina
Parent, Mexico

THINK Global School has supported my dreams and passions in a way I could previously have only dreamed of. As I am very interested in emerging technologies, pursuing an unconventional form of education has been very valuable as it’s given me the freedom and flexibility to learn and design. Through my personal projects, I’ve created things I never thought I could bring to reality, like machine learning products or brain-computer interfacing.

I consider TGS the most innovative school in the world, and despite it being a challenging educational program, I always find myself motivated to get work done. Joining TGS was the best decision I ever made.

Bido Hafrag
Class of 2023, Egypt

My year and a half at THINK Global School was the biggest period of growth in my life, but what I found most valuable was learning to focus on the commonalities rather than differences between myself and the people around me. I realized just how much I share in common with people, no matter where we come from or what our life experiences are.

I had the extreme privilege of spending my last two years of high school connecting with the most incredible people from across the world, all of whom I can now call some of my closest friends, and I could not be more grateful.

Tobin Mayo-Kiely
Class of 2022, United States

Traditional schooling was smothering Justin and left him uninspired, uninterested, and unmotivated. THINK Global School was a game-changer and truly transformed him. He is engaged, inquisitive, determined, and ready to jump into life and all it has to offer wholeheartedly.

Project-based learning allowed Justin to explore many different areas and design his own approach to mastering each. Whether he follows his passions to become an entrepreneur, a coder, or a rapper, he has THINK Global School to thank for opening his eyes to a world of possibilities.

Jennifer and Betsy Smith Hoopes
Parents, United States

THINK Global School allowed my son to see global issues around the world, analyze research questions, and try to find solutions. As a result, he developed broader ways of thinking with references that are shaping his maturity, independence, and empathy to the problems around him, wherever he is.

Delima Taurisia
Parent, Indonesia

THINK Global School not only changed our child’s life, but our entire family’s as well. As Jess traveled the world, we all grew with them as they became a confident, mature, and incredible human being.

THINK Global School nurtured our child and supported them throughout their three years, giving them experiences which otherwise they may never have had.

Shirley Pegram
Parent, South Africa

While sitting around the dinner table with Emma and Jonah a month or so ago, reminiscing about their TGS journey, we were truly mesmerized by their experiences and the gratitude we all felt for them having had the opportunity to attend THINK Global School.

Nothing, really nothing, compares or even comes close to what they learned while at THINK Global School.

Jean and Stephen Dollery
Parents, Zimbabwe

One piece of advice for students considering joining THINK Global School: Go out there and experience the world! Don’t leave learning to just the classroom. Be open-minded, curious, and humble, but don’t forget that you also have something within you to share with the world. Enjoy the ride and take in all this world has to offer.

Niko Wei
Student, United States

TGS at a Glance

All you need to know in one place.

Read the Overview

A Week in the Life

Each week at THINK Global School is an opportunity for new social, cultural, and academic experiences.

See a Sample Week

Our Origins

Founder Joann McPike was inspired to start THINK Global School by her son, Alex. A world traveler with over 70 stamps in his passport by the age of 14, Alex wasn’t ready to stow his suitcase just to attend high school. Together, they envisioned a school that focuses on world travel, individualized learning, and positive change.  13 years and 30 countries later, it’s going stronger than ever.

Today, TGS stands alone as the only high school that immerses students in the cultures and customs of ten countries. Besides offering challenging academics, our Changemaker Curriculum fosters curiosity and compassion, empowering students to become global citizens ready to make impactful changes. If you’re always curious and constantly seeking answers, this is a school where you’ll truly thrive.

Learn More

Accreditations, Associations, and Awards

A Bright

THINK Global School alums have gone on to over a hundred colleges and universities worldwide.

Our college and career counselors work with each student to develop a personalized plan considerate of their academic goals, learning style, and personality profile. So, whether attending university or jumping straight into the workforce, you’ll gain the edge to pursue the post-secondary choices you deem best.

Explore University Prep Bright Future

Student Diversity

TGS students come from all over the world and represent a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, gender identities, and systems of belief.

Explore Diversity

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? You’ll find answers related to academics, admissions, student life, travel, technology and more here.

Read the FAQ

Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

It all starts here.

Ready to embark on the educational journey of a lifetime?

A passion for travel. A strong academic record. And the desire to improve the world as you experience it. If this sounds like you, you just might be our ideal candidate! Start your application with a five-minute inquiry form - you never know where you might end up.

It all starts here.

Apply now

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Now available! Professional development opportunities through THINK Learning Studio
