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Pema Tshering

TGS Graduate, Class of 2014

If I were put in a sandbox before my experience at TGS, I would have waited until I was instructed to do something. I was so used to being taught what to think and accepted answers that I didn’t necessarily agree with. Fast forward four years after my experience at TGS, and I would have probably built something the size of a nation in the sandbox. I now know how to think, how to act on my own, and how to lead my own way through any challenge. True, I have friends who went to a regular school and who would build something without having to be told; however, here is where our differences lie: my sandbox will have a touch of the world. I might have English-styled doors, Swedish-styled windows, or French-styled fences. My sandbox will have diversity, and I wouldn’t be so scared or culturally shaken to have neighbours from Afghanistan, the US, or New Zealand. What I’m trying to say is that the main benefit of a THINK Global School education is the diversification of the thought process. I am now able to think ideas and form opinions based on a much larger scale. If I went to a regular school, my sentences would probably look something like this: “I think so because my teacher said so.” Now that I have had the TGS experience, here’s what my sentences look like: “Yes, deforestation is a problem of huge concern because when I was in the Amazon I saw…” I have had the chance to experience our textbooks come to live while my peers only read about the Amazon or concentration camps.

Pema Tshering

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